Where is humanity in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where is compassion and kindness in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where is peace in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where are Iraqi, Afghan and American mothers in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where is human dignity in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where is progress in civilization in this 83 billion+ American war??
Where are those who struggle against violence, like Martin Luther King, in this 83 billion ??+ ?American war??
Where are all the worlds religious leaders and intellectuals in this 83 billion+ American ?war??
My father was killed by war…?
Where is peace in this 83 billion+ American war??
Rewriting Afghanistan’s narrative, Why not love
We were advised : “Afghans don’t use the word love.”
We still wrote “Why not love?” at Bamiyan Peace Park
Later, vandals ‘dripped’ blood-red paint over our work…
We mustn’t be paralyzed by the desperate war narratives…
We came to Kabul to buy a dove for Bamiyan Peace Park
Faiz, what is the seed of peace?
The seed of peace is love, is friendship
Even a little of our love is stronger than the wars of the world!
Why not love?
Why not love?
The coalition asks ‘ Why not COIN?’
We the people must ask ‘Why not love?’
When we fall, we will get up again.
Get up to listen & love again !
Why not love?
4th of July Afghan message to General Petraeus about Kandahar and relationships
Love is how ordinary people everywhere want dignified, independant relationships
Text of video
What are you doing?
We are making cell phone pouches for other youth in Kandahar.
Why are you making these for them?
As gifts.
What’s your purpose in this?
Peace. Our purpose is peace.
What is the principle of your work?
Is love possible among traditional enemies? Yes!
Love is more pragmatic than war.
Instead of asking for unity in COIN,
we should ask for unity in relations.
This cell phone pouch is a gesture of peace & friendship for the youth in Kandahar
We say to the youth of Kandahar : even a little of this love of ours is stronger than the wars of the world!
Our peace cell phone pouches reached
the Kandahar youth a week ago
We cry, “Build relations, not hate.”
In these withering times, what can we say?
We’re sorry that we hardly trust one another.
We know that violence doesn’t build trust.
It shatters trust.
But it’s time. It’s time to do everything differently.
The time to practice love clearly
is when none would applaud it.
Why not love?
Person by person,
Steady thread by steady thread.
Source: http://ourjourneytosmile.com