Letter from Hazara detainee to the media

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ONE of the Afghan (Hazara) asylum-seekers protesting in front of the Darwin detention centre managed to send a

 The letter from a Hazara detainee was ripped in pieces and parts of the Ghazni's plea are missing.  Source: The Australian
The letter from a Hazara detainee was ripped in pieces and parts of the Ghazni's plea are missing. Source: The Australian
message – hidden in a bottle – to the media.

The letter was ripped in pieces and parts of the man’s plea for are missing.

This is what he wrote:

My name … I’m from Ghazni from Jaghoori.

My village is surrounded by the Pashtoons where is now under control of Taliban. My family is now in Pakistan and we are illegal and we … save … and we … to our face and religion.

We are Shia Muslim and Taliban are Sunni Muslim. My father was truck driver was killed 12 years ago.
I escaped … country … 2000 to Australia for protection but I was deported back after being detained for three years.

Now I have risked my life again in search of protection …my race and religion … Help me please.
I came here for protection not detention.

Many were killed in Howard Pacific Solution when (they) were sent back from Naru. Even foreign forces are helpless and not safe in Afghanistan. Have mercy please Australian people.

We are … saying … is safe … for you … it’s safe.

The Nato … Australia is doing there.

Our roads are been blocked by Taliban, we cannot pray … ideas … moved to school … are to join … jihad … Taliban thought … as infidels. Recently a team went for survey in Afghanistan. His name …

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1 comment

  1. Mohammad Arif

    It is really heart locking story. This is the fact. Hazaras are being ambushed. They do live in many countries but still not safe.Hundreds of hazaras are martyred in bomb blasts and target killing. Similar is the case in Afghanistan. It is proven that Hazaras are proved to be good and responsible citizens in Australia. Still there are some issues where Australian Government are facing problem. I hope they will shake hands with Hazaras.