Support for Afghanian Asylum Seekers in Greece

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Join us in supporting the cause of Afghanian Refugees in Greece by signing this petition and spreading the information.

We demand that the Greek government and UN high commissioner accede to the demands of Afghanian refugees in Greece to prevent a great humanitarian disaster.

All we refugees from Afghanistan came to Europe because we couldn’t live any more in refugee camps in our country.

We can’t live any more in villages that are bombed by NATO airplanes or are ravaged by the army and its tanks. We can’t live us and our families not only because there is no freedom or democracy, but also because the economy is non existent.

We can’t live in the neighboring countries like Pakistan as war has reached it also destructive floodings that had made a new wave of poverty, hunger and refugees. We were chased in Iran, in Turkey and in many other countries.

We don’t want anyone to take advantage of our right to live and stay away from the various battlefields. No more people drowned on Aegean sea or in Evros river. Neither to be sent back by the European countries in the name of the Dublin 2 treaty, to be again on the run and homeless facing the police, fascists and racists.

We want peace, which is more valuable and all the people around the world want it. Lets make the countries stop their wars and bring back the occupation armies and give the money they spend for education or for health.

We have the right for political asylum for all the refugees and the Greek government must give it to us.
We call the Greek citizens to support our struggle.


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