Mahtab Farid, Dec 18, 2010
Hazara People note: We do respect all ethnic groups, but Hazara People are not Afghan. Afghan or Pashtun is another ethnic group in Afghanistan.

Afghan women continue to make progress in various fields. As I am visiting Bamyan province for a number meetings and trainings I noticed my colleague, Mary Jae Abbitt Sushka coordinated a meeting for a wonderful program to bring economic independence for Afghan women. Here is the story…
Two distinguished Afghan women in Bamyan, Fatima Kazemian, former Director of Women Affairs with Tayeba Khawari, manager of Youth Cultural for Civil Society NGO received applications and a briefing by Bamyan Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) gender advisor, Mary Jae Abbit Sushka on a business training program at the American University in Kabul.
This program is in partnership with Thunderbird School of Global Management in the U.S. funded by Goldman Sachs charitable fund for women in emerging economies.
The training includes entrepreneurship, marketing, management, accounting and strategic planning. After the completion of the course women will have access to mentors, networking and opportunities for internship so they can contribute to the development of Afghan economy.
Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan