Afghan asylum seeker has been found dead at an immigration detention centre in Queensland

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March 18, 2011 – 12:21AM

A 20-year-old Afghan asylum seeker has been found dead at an immigration detention centre in Queensland.

The Department of Immigration confirmed the body of the asylum seeker was discovered in his accommodation about 8pm on Thursday night.

Staff at the Scherger Immigration Detention Centre performed CPR on the man, but he could not be revived.

“Paramedics have attended the scene and Queensland Police will investigate the circumstances surrounding the man’s death, which may become the subject of a report for the coroner,”

the department said in a statement.

“Counsellors will be available to assist and support the centre’s detainees and staff.”

Until the man’s next of kin have been informed, no further details of the man or the circumstances of his death will be released, the department said.

“The department expresses its sympathy to the family of the deceased man and will cooperate fully with the coroner.”

Scherger Immigration Detention Centre is about 30km east of Weipa, in far north Queensland. The Afghan man arrived by boat.



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  1. esmathaydari

    modir massol mohtram man ham yaki as ham kampi marhom hstom bali magar company serco masoli amniyati ma wa imimgaration akhbar ra bashikly basyar zayef yani tabiyi alam karda magar an waqia an mard khod ra halq awiz karda ast shoma ham bayad dar an ja aslah konin wa sharit camp dishab khili wakhim bod magar amroz kami bahtar shoda chara ki maa sady mara kasi namashnawa shoam ham akhbar ra naqis daryaft kardn. tashakor