Hazara Girl and Boy

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I found a very typical Hazara girl and boy in renown Band-e-Amir lake, Yakawlang District, Bamyan Province. Their family came to Band-e-Amir, from Balkhao District of Sari Pul Province. Their family traveled for many days by foot and by mini bus to reach to Band-e-Amir. The family’s trip was more religious than a picnic. Their father sacrificed two sheep in Band-e-Amir to get sacred blessings for him and his family.

Hazaras strongly believe that Imam Ali (cousin of Prophet Muhammad and 4th caliph of Muslims) came here and created this lake. Hazaras are Shi’ite minority in Afghanistan and they were subject to discrimination by majority Pashtoon monarchs and rulers. Despite international focus and attention in Afghanistan, the discrimination is on going but relatively in smaller scale.

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