Hazara People website launched in Italian

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After worldwide popularity of its English and Dari (Persian) versions among the Hazaras, Hazara People website is now expanding its languages. This website is aimed to echo Hazaras’ voices for peace, justice and democracy through as many languages as possible.

Photo by Najibullah Musafer
Photo by Najibullah Musafer
Based on the request by the Italian Hazaras, this website is now available in Italian Language as well. Contributed by the Italian Hazaras the major part of the content of the Italian version is a translation of English and Dari (Hazaragi) pages of Hazara People and the remaining part is the news of Italian Hazaras’ activities in Italy.

By creating this page the Italian Hazaras aim to introduce Hazara Society in their host country and draw attention of the Italian intellectuals and scholars towards Afghanistan.
The Hazaras make a new community in Italy and most of them are the refugees who had fled their country because of racism, discriminations, forced displacements, prosecution and genocide they had faced in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The Italian Hazaras have different activities in Italy that include; organizing folklore music concerts of Hazara singers, workshops and round tables on Afghanistan, art exhibitions, creating social blogs, making films and documentaries and organizing rallies for the favor of human rights.

Thanking the Italian Hazaras, Hazara People continues its expansion and invites the Hazaras of the other European countries to contribute for the extension of other languages.

Hazara People in its second expansion plan aims to open pages in Spanish, French, Arabic and Turkish therefore all Hazara translators, writers and journalists are invited for collaboration, this way our collective voice is heard better.

Wishing for peace, justice and democracy in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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  1. Aman changezi

    who is the founder of this page ?
    we really apreciate the founder of this page well done and do more hard work for the unity and brotherhoodness of hazara,s we are in very bad condition in the way of living and we dont have any autonomy, power,rights, we have to work hard and go for the hazara of afghanistan and build there power against pashtuns it is way to join politics and serve the humanity on the right path ……..GoD blees you for your doing most hardworking……thank you very much as well i say , im proud to you

  2. Vikki Riley

    Molto importante per Hazara en Italia! Bravo tutti!

  3. jamal hazara

    salam to all hazara’s and hazara’s communities and spacial Italian hazara’s
    i proude of them.