International Day of Protest against killing of Hazaras – Melbourne

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Although the weather was harsh, wind and torrential rain could not stop the people of Melbourne to participate to the call of Australian Hazara Federation, a large number of young, old, men and women rushed to the State library and showed their grieves and anger against the Islamic terrorist and to the government of Pakistan.
Around one thousand people gathered at the state library in Melbourne a large number of Australian had also participated to the protest about 11:00am speeches started and

Today the 1st Oct 2011, Hazaras gathering around the world to show our solidarity with hazaras in Quetta Pakistan and Afghanistan. We condemnation terrorism, and systematic killing, holocaust, genocide, mess murder, target killing & recent execution style killing of 30 innocent Hazara civilians in Quetta Pakistan

we unfortunately, gathered in the same place few months ago to protest against Hazara land invasion, genocide of by koochi (Nomads) In Besud & Dai Mirdad in Afghanistan

Asylum seekers & refugees in Australia and we demand from Australian government to show leniency on the matter effecting Hazara refugees and don’t play politics with the Hazara refugee lives are under threat in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Mr. John Gulzari (Secretary of Shamama Association), Being the master of the ceremony and the announcer for today’s protest, he has welcomed the speaker on the stage to speak on the matter, list of the speakers are as follows;

1. Ms. Sahima Saberi (SHUUA Student Organisation)
Brief Introduction to Hazara history in Pakistan and explain the hazras contribution to Pakistan

2. Mr. Zakir Hussain (Shamama Association)
History of terrorism year to date in Pakistan, and about the day to day killing of Hazars since 1999

3. Ms. Frankuda Akber (SHUUA Student Organisation)
Failure of Paki Government to protect hazaras

4. Reza Andesha (social activist)
Condemn the recent killing of hazaras in Quetta Pakistan (in Dari)

5. Ramat Yousafi (President of Shamama Association)
On the Causes of terrorism against hazaras spoke about the political situation of Pakistan especially Balochistan Province where the Hazaras live and he also explained the emergence of the Islamic terrorists and the causes of the terrorism in the region.

6. Pamela Curr (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre ASRC)
condition of Hazaras in Quetta and Afghanistan, and also about asylum seeker/refugees in Australia. She emphasize about Australia’s obligation to provide protection for the hazara asylum seeker and refugees in various detention centres around Australia and scrape the Malaysia and Nero solution.

7. Ali Madad Rezai (Religious Community Worker)
Responsibility of Australian hazaras, to our Hazara counterparts in Quetta, Pakistan and Afghanistan and ask for the unity of hazaras evywere (In Dari)

8. Zamira Sharifi (Hazara Association of Victoria)
Recited the demand resolution from UN agencies, Australian government to increase pressure on Pakistan
Conclusion/Our demands;
* We (Hazaras of Melbourne) offer our sympathy and condolences to Shaheeda’s family * We show our unity/ solidarity to hazaras of Pakistan and Afghanistan
* We condemn violence against hazaras, and Hazara genocide
* we condemn terrorism and terrorist organisation like lashkari-e- jhangavi, al-Qaida etc
* we request from Australia Government and United National agencies to Provide peace, security and protection to hazaras

Melbourne, 1 October 2011

International Day of Protest against killing of Hazaras – Melbourne
Melbourne’s Hazara community joined with others across Australia and around the world in protests condemning ‘the silent genocide of Hazaras in the name of religion and to urge the international community, the UN and the Australian Government to end their silence on this brutality’ (Media release from the Australian Hazara Foundation). In pouring rain a crowd of close to 2000 packed the lawns of the State Library to hear a succession of speakers, mostly from the community itself but also including guest speaker Pamela Curr of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, who earlier provided the following background:

‘The Hazaras are a minority people in Afghanistan. They have been historically persecuted and driven off their lands. Many have fled to Iran where they are exploited and Pakistan where they are being killed daily. Nearly 100% of Afghanis coming to Australia for protection are Hazaras.

‘Hazara history is a story of massacres and flight to survive. Most recently Lashkar e Janghvi, a banned Sunni militant outfit, claimed responsibility for this recent assault and in June 2011, issued this warning:

‘“Just as our fighters have waged a successful jihad against the Shia-Hazaras in Afghanistan, our mission [in Pakistan] is the abolition of this impure sect and people, the Shias and the Shia-Hazaras, from every city, every village, every nook and corner of Pakistan. Like in the past, [our] successful Jihad against the Hazaras in Pakistan and, in particular, in Quetta is ongoing and will continue [in the future]. We will make Pakistan their graveyard — their houses will be destroyed by bombs and suicide bombers.”

‘They have claimed responsibility for recent attacks. On 31st August, 2011, on the occasion of Eid, as Hazaras were celebrating the end of the holy month of Ramadan, Lashkar e Janghvi carried out their threat. They attempted a mass casualty suicide bombing of the biggest mosque in Quetta. They were stopped by Hazara community members, 11 of whom were killed, including a 4 year old girl and a 70 year old man.…

‘On 20th September 29 people were pulled out of a bus separated from other bus passengers based on their Hazara ethnicity and then shot dead.…

‘All Hazaras are now being targeted not just men, political activists or businessmen, but women are shot at on buses whilst going to the market and young boys are shot at on motorbikes by masked men. The leader of Lashkar e Janghvi is free in Pakistan, making speeches against the Shia community, planning his next assault on the Hazaras.

‘The Hazara community is deeply fearful that a genocide is next. Australian Hazaras across Australia are grieving for family members lost in these attacks and violence and are asking their Australian friends to support them in condemning this violence against their people both in Afghanistan and Pakistan.’

See slideshow of images from the Melbourne rally on Melbourne Protests:… and website of the Australian Hazara Federation –

The short flash video attached will give some idea of the size of the rally – and the weather…

Source and copyright

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1 comment

  1. Madeleine Kingston

    Madeleine Kingston

    My personal connection with and respect for the Hazara community is something I greatly value. I have been able to observe the extraordinary sense of connectedness and community spirit; resilience and adaptability of the Hazara community, in addition to their adaptability.

    It was a great privilege for me to be invited to this event in Melbourne and to support the Hazara cause. Without reservation I recommend the #Hazara people to the rest of the world. Without reservation I urge consideration of their special qualities of resilience, determination, collective and individual motivation.
    While the inhuman execution of the innocent civilians are carried out in Afghanistan, the â??champions of democracyâ?? , including the USA, Great Britain, all the Western powers and the so-called civilized institutions such as the United Nations remains as spectators on the side.”


    Please also see:
    Any supposition or policy by any country including Australia that seeks to make a finding that the #Hazaras, wherever born or normally reside are subjected to anything less than systematic persecution, torture or genocide is mistaken and either grossly mis-informed or indulging in political gaming.

    I am appalled and dismayed by proposals to expel #Hazaras and others in a similar position of minority ethnic and religious persecution, without assessment to third countries without any policies, legal provisions or international Treaties in place and demonstrable political will to adhere to such in practical terms.

    I add my support to those of many others for the Hazara people and to their personal pleas, crystalized today to respect their right to freedom from persecution, torture and genocide.

    Madeleine Kingston

    Victoria Australia

    (skylark100AU1 Twitter)