Bamiyan A Secure, Cheap Path For Extension of TUTAP Power Transmission

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Kabul (BNA) TUTAP is one of the important regional economic projects agreed among Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TUTAP) which is expected to be extended to Pakistan through Afghanistan with a transmission capacity of 500MW power from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and other south Asian countries specially Pakistan.

The German Fischer Co carried out a survey on this project that has already drafted power master plan of China, Pakistan and other countries. According to this survey, Bamyan is the best route for TUTAP project, due to its available reliable security and its common borders with north east and northern provinces. According to officials of Fischer Co, Bamyan is a safe and cheap course for extension of TUTAP project. Governor of Bamyan Mohammad Zaher Zaher said, “Based on ongoing efforts, we hope TUTAP project would be extended through Bamyan, because it would be quite effective on trade and industrial development of this province. Last year, due to suspension of power transmission and avalanches on Salang route, people became concern and transmission of high voltage power through Salang may cause serious problems as last year power supply was stopped for over 40 days from this path.

The head of Breshna central zone Ghulam Haider Sidiqi said, “The Breshna and MoPE leadership are intending to seek a secure path for installation of TUTAP power pylons and CASA-1000. Inhabitants of Bamyan are also complaining that in the past especially the last fourteen years, no attention was invited on power supply and construction of hydropower plants for this province. Experts believe that following extension of TUTAP project, vast areas of the country will be benefited power energy. At present per kilowatt of power energy is supplied to Bamyan people Afs 16 and for government and commercial customers Afs 45 which is unaffordable for people and industrialists. Bamyan lawmakers believe that construction of TUTAP project is very important also for Kunduz, Baghlan, Samangan, Bamyan, Parwan, Ghazni and Wardak provinces. Female lawmaker Safoora Elkhani said, “Last year, we had several meetings with the officials of Fischer Co and experts of ADB and they confirmed this route. If Breshna Co and the MoPE transmit power through Salang, it will not be safe in one hand and will be expensive US$30 million on the other. At the moment CASA-1000 power project with a capacity of 1200 MW DC power energy is taking place through Salang to Kabul, Nangarhar and Pakistan. Elkhani added that due to unpleasant winter climate, Salang lacks transmission capacity of the two big TUTAP and CASA-1000 projects. Local experts confirm that Hajigak iron and coal mine in Samangan will also be benefited from this project and mine extraction will quickly develop and way will be paved for big national and international investments. Shukria Kohistani

Source: Bakhtar News

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  1. - HoogspanningsNet

    […] hoogspanningslijn (met een capaciteit van 500 MVA en gekend onder de naam TUTAP) zou samen met een paar trafostations en enige andere projecten (CASA-1000) elektriciteit […]